Kate Fauvell
New York, NYphotographs, collage and acrylic on panel
36 x 24 in

Kate Fauvell
New York, NYphotographs, collage and acrylic on canvas
48 x 36 in

Lois Goglia
Cheshire, CTbrain cell photographs, tape, ink, paints, oil sticks
83 x 61 in

Ellen Jacob
New York, NYarchival pigment print
43 x 33 in

Ellen Jacob
New York, NYarchival pigment print
43 x 33 in

Matthew Karas
New York, NYarchival pigment print on fiber paper, mounted on aluminum edition 1 of 3
30 x 20 in

Matthew Karas
New York, NYarchival pigment print on fiber paper, mounted on aluminum edition 1 of 4
30 x 20 in

Anya (Dana) Kotler
Weehawken, NJoil, acrylic, gold leaf, fabrics, plaster, yarn, silicone and plastic on canvas, concrete and wood
88 x 74 x 18 in

Elaine Longtemps
Brooklyn, NYpainted, twisted rope, paint and stitching on paper, digital printing on silk and organdy
15.5 x 30 x24 in

Elaine Longtemps
Brooklyn, NYpainted rope, sequins, crystals inserted into stretched canvas prepared for hanging
87 x 65 x 6 in

Fruma Markowitz
Norwalk, CToriginal wet cyanotype; printed on Hahnnemuhle Platinum Rag paper with soap suds, turmeric powder, vinegar spray added
15 x 11 in

Fruma Markowitz
Norwalk, CToriginal wet cyanotype; printed on Shizen 100% cotton hand-made paper, with table salt, turmeric powder, soap suds, vinegar spray added
33 x 22 in

Fruma Markowitz
Norwalk, CToriginal wet cyanotype; double exposure printed on Khadi 100% cotton hand-made paper, with table salt, soap suds, vinegar spray and borax bleach added
17 x 12 in

Ruben Marroquin
Bridgeport, CTnatural and metallic yarns on wire fence and Belgian linen
30 x 38 in

Ruben Marroquin
Bridgeport, CTembroidery on dish rack, stretched Belgian linen.
21 x 19 in

Nancy Natale
Easthampton, MApapers and bristol board painted with acrylic, tarpaper, encaustic, tacks on panel
30 x 24 x 1.5 in

Nancy Natale
Easthampton, MApapers and bristol board painted with acrylic, tarpaper, encaustic, tacks on panel
30 x 24 x1.5 in

Miller Opie
Norwalk, CTvertebrae sections from 3 different deer and 1 calf, steel rod, linen ribbon, aluminum mounting plate
58 x 4 x 19.5 in

Miller Opie
Norwalk, CTmoose ribs, assorted feathers, wire, hemlock base
19 x 15 x 7.5 in

David Ottenstein
New Haven, CTarchival pigment ink
15 x 15 in

Miguel Rivera
Kansas City, MOmixed media print and paint on wood panel
23.75 x 16 x 2 in

Miguel Rivera
Kansas City, MOmixed media print and paint on wood panel
23.75 x 16 x 2 in

Miguel Rivera
Kansas City, MOmixed media print and paint on wood panel
24 x 17 x 2 in

Minna Rothman
Brookline, MAhandwoven, wool, silk, linen warp, cotton lining
31 x 14 in

Minna Rothman
Brookline, MAhandwoven, wool, silk, linen warp, cotton lining
24 x 31 in

Minna Rothman
Brookline, MAhandwoven tapestry, decorative thread, metallic, wool, linen warp, cotton lining
55 x 32 in

Arlene Rush
New York, NYbrass, metal gold leaf, velvet fabric, tassels, plaster, polyurethane
32 x 13 x 13 in

Arlene Rush
New York, NYbrass, metal gold leaf, velvet fabric, tassels, plaster, polyurethane
32 x 13 x 13 in

Arlene Rush
New York, NYbrass, metal gold leaf, velvet fabric, tassels, plaster, polyurethane
32 x 13 x 13 in

Arlene Rush
New York, NYbrass, metal gold leaf, velvet fabric, tassels, plaster, polyurethane
32 x 13 x 13 in

Arlene Rush
New York, NYbrass, metal gold leaf, velvet fabric, tassels, plaster, polyurethane
32 x 13 x 13 in

Nina Temple
Carmel Valley, CAink on cold pressed arches watercolor paper with deckled edges
30 x 22 in

Nina Temple
Carmel Valley, CAink on cold pressed arches watercolorpaper with deckled edges
30 x 22 in

Roberta Tucci
Wilmington, DEacrylic on canvas
12 x 24 in

Jarvis Wilcox
Westport, CToil on masonite
16 x 18 in

Debi Worley
Kirkwood, MOwhite earthenware, cone 10 and wall or ceiling hook
42 x 16 x 16 in

Debi Worley
Kirkwood, MOporcelain stained fiber clay, cone 10 and resin
4.5 x 13 x 9 in