Students enrolled in a CURRENT instructional course at Silvermine have the opportunity to attend 3 hours of open studio time for each week of the current session. Open Studios provide time to work on your own projects and improve your skills outside of class time. This is not an instructional class.

In the winter 2022 Winter session, students registered in a class will have the option of attending a total of 10 open studio sessions.

Dates, Times and Details

  • Ceramics
  • Jewelry
  • Photography
  • Printmaking

Open Studio Pricing & Payments
Two Payment options are available for consideration. Students can purchase a pre-paid package of open studio sessions for $200.00. The purchase of this discounted package allows the student to attend all available open studios without session-to-session payment. To purchase the Open Studio Package, please contact the office. Alternatively, students may choose to pay for individual open studio sessions for the amount of $30.00 per session. Payments for session-to-session open studios will be accepted in cash at the time of attendance, to be collected by the open studio monitor. Students are not permitted to attend an open studio session without confirmation of payment. Unattended Open Studio sessions cannot be rolled over into the next class period and no make ups are available for missed sessions.

Studio Procedures & Policies
In accordance with Silvermine Art Center’s (SAC) COVID-19 Policies, masks are to be worn by all of those attending an Open Studio session, regardless of vaccination status.
No more than 6 students will be allowed entry to any given open studio session.
Be aware of safety at all times for yourself and all others in the studio.
Students are not permitted to use any equipment or machinery that they have not been trained to use properly and safely, by an instructor during their class time.
The enameling kiln is not available for use during open studios.
All tools should be returned to their designated place and should not be taken from the studio. Any damage to tools or equipment should be reported to the monitor immediately.
Please note, Open Studio Monitors are volunteering their time and are not expected to provide instruction.
Please follow all monitor instructions in regards to the studio, tools, equipment and safety.
Open Studio monitors will be happy to assist you in locating necessary tools or to provide support on general use of equipment if needed (providing students have been introduced to them during a class period).

Open Studio Monitors
Open studio monitors volunteer their time and enjoy special pricing for all open studio offerings. Silvermine Art Center welcomes students to further their artistic experience while contributing to the community and we are always looking for more studio monitors. If you are interested in volunteering as a studio monitor, please contact the office at (203) 966 – 6668 x 12.